3.5.23 Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge, Fulton County, IL

We first saw this and one more Mute Swan while pulling into a parking lot at Emiquan Refuge. They were swimming in a small body of water.

Once we pulled into the parking lot, we saw two Killdeer, including this one. It was like they were greeting us.

While there, we saw all these snow geese in the water. They were on the other side of the body of water.

We left to go to a different part of Emiquon, and saw all these Trumpeter Swans and ducks.

Later, we saw a couple of murmurations of Red-winged Blackbirds. This is a few of the birds!

Non-bird sightings at Emiquon
While there, we saw this swimming garter snake. It swam for quite a while before coming to a rest here.


We spotted this red fox on the drive home, and turned around to see it. We parked the car, and it just walked around, not afraid.

Eventually, it found this bird carrion, picked it up, and ran away to eat it's dinner in peace.
