4.25.23 Ping Tom Memorial Park III, Chicago, IL

 This post is in progress. Please see older posts for descriptive content.

This was a sunny day at Ping Tom Memorial Park. The temperature was in the 50's Fahrenheit. It had been years since we had visited last. With Ima's birding interests, it gave us a new perspective of the area as a habitat for birds. One group of goslings were napping when we arrived.   

Canada Goose and about 9 goslings piled up

Canada Geese and 5 goslings

Canada Geese and 5 goslings

Canada Geese and a 12 gosling "gang brood"

Green Heron are generally wading birds, but are known to dive occasionally, then swim to shore.

Green Heron

Green Heron

Green Heron

Herring Gull

Red-breasted Merganser and Green Heron

Red-breasted Merganser
