4.6.23 St. Mihiel Woods-East, Tinley Park, IL

Anne and Gabe love the food at Samosa King in Tinley Park. The deal is that Ari and Ima can get take out from Culver's and they get spicy Indian food. It's great because there are lots of great birding spots in the area. Today we explored Mihiel Woods for the first time. We saw so many cool birds, including our first Hermit Thursh and Red-bellied Woodpecker. We heard something that Gabe said sounded like a "geriatric rooster" but we think it was a Barred Owl

--written by Ima and her family  

This was the first time we saw a Hermit Thrush, so they very much took me by surprise.

We saw more Golden-crowned Kinglets here, and realized how much they flit around.

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Golden-crowned Kinglets are hard to photograph, but I was able to get this picture!

We thought this Brown Creeper was a woodpecker, but upon closer inspection, we noticed it was a Creeper.

Unlike woodpeckers, Brown Creepers have downward curved beaks, which they use to pick and probe at bark, instead of hammering holes in the bark like woodpeckers.

Yellow-bellied sapsucker

Yellow-bellied sapsucker

This was the first time we saw a Red-bellied Woodpecker, and they are much bigger then Downy Woodpeckers.

As well as seeing a Red-bellied Woodpecker, Dad saw a Pileated Woodpecker, and thus we now call these woods "Woodpecker Woods."

The Eastern Phoebe, a species of tyrant flycatcher, catches and eats flies and other flying insects right out of the air.

Yellow-bellied sapsucker

Yellow-bellied sapsucker

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
