5.31.23 McKinley Park, Chicago, IL

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My dad and I got up early today for a trip to McKinley Park. We have been trying to find a hummingbird nest that a fellow birder told us about. We didn't find it, but it's always fun to visit McKinley Park. And I finally got a pic of a cuckoo :)

Red-eyed Vireo

We had been trying to see a Cuckoo for a little while now, saw one a little while ago, got a pic of it flying a little after that, and finally got a pic of it perched!

Eurasian Collared-dove

Black-crowned Night-heron, Green Heron, Black-crowned Night-heron

Black-crowned Night-heron

Green Heron

Rock Pigeon

Mallard chicks and mother

Mallard chicks

Willow Flycatcher

House Sparrow off to a sand bath...

...two inches away.

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher

American Goldfinch
