6.2.23 Whistler Woods, Riverdale, IL

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It's Cottonwood season! It was like it snowed at Whistler Woods. Anne even made a "snow" ball from the cottonwood seeds. They don't work as well as real snow balls. We always hear so many songbirds at Whistler. It's great practice for identifying birds by song (for Ari. Ima cannot ID any song but Red-winged Blackbirds and American Robins).

American Robin in a sea of Cottonwood puff

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Messy Robin Nest

Messy Robin in the Messy Robin Nest

Savannah Sparrow

Apparently, Mourning Doves have iridescence on their necks, like their cousins the Rock Pigeons.

Eastern Kingbird

Ring-billed Gull for no reason

Song Sparrow

Caspian Tern


Baltimore Oriole

Northern Flicker

As we left, we noticed this Great Crested Flycatcher, (such a short name, I know) on the ground, eating it's lunch; some sort of bug.

It then yelled...

...and flew away.

