6.28.23 McCormick Bird Sanctuary I, Chicago, IL

This post is in progress. Please see older posts for descriptive content. 

We headed out right after breakfast to introduce Anne to the McCormick Bird sanctuary.  One herring gull were getting in trouble while another was snacking on a giant carp. It was a very foggy day. We could barely make out the buildings in the distance and you couldn't see downtown at all. Later we learned that it wasn't fog but smoke! The smoke from the wildfires in Canada have settled over Chicago giving it the worst air quality in the country.

--written by Ima and her family 

Two adult and one young Herring Gulls

Young Herring Gull

Herring Gull

Herring Gull

Mallard and the smoke

Three osprey (planes)


Barn Swallows watching the smoke

Barn Swallows

Black Swallowtail Butterfly

