6.3.23 Brezina Woods, LaGrange Park, IL

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Taking state highways home turned out to take a lot longer than Anne and Gabe thought it would. But on the plus side, we were able to see parts of Chicagoland that we've never seen before. Ima and Ari get now why people call it ChicagoLAND. It really is vast. This was our last stop on the way home. Small shallow creek bed surrounded woods and recreation areas. Highly populated on the weekend with people parties.

--written by Ima and her family

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting

Eastern Wood Pewee

The Rock Pigeons on this statue: "hey Gary, this statue is too big." "I know Todd! Should we poop on it?" "nah. let's wait for the others so we can poop on it so much that they can't clean it off." "Great idea Todd!"
