6.3.23 Cuba Marsh Forest Preserve (Sandhill Cranes!), Deer Park, IL

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Our mission to see Sandhill cranes was a success. Ima saw on eBird that Sandhill crane fledglings were spotted at Cuba Marsh Forest Preserve. We'd never been there before. It's a really cool preserve. It's a bit on the busy side; lots of people biking, walking, and dogs. Anne thought she saw a crane and we were moving to get a closer look. It turned out to be a great blue heron but when we moved Gabe spotted the fledgling in the tall grass.  They blended in so well and the grass was so tall it was difficult to get a good look at them. Also it was so hot. We were super excited to see them.

--written by Ima and her family

Sandhill Cranes aren't supposed to breed in Illinois, but small populations breed in Lake and McHenry counties.

The name for a crane chick is a colt.

note Sandhill colt

The local Red-winged Blackbirds were NOT happy with the Sandhill Cranes hanging out, and the cranes weren't happy with the Red-wings either.

The Cranes would occasionally yell, bite, or peck at the Red-wings, in retaliation for harassing them.

Note Sandhill colt
