7.3.23 Wolf Road Woods I, Willow Springs, IL

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We took a trip to Willow Springs to check out Wolf Road Woods. It is a huge preserve with lots of different habitats. Even before we got there, we spotted a hawk over head. We drove to the southern most point in the preserve. We saw a cardinal and chipping sparrow feeding Brown Headed Cowbird chicks. While fascinating, it is also quite tragic since the cowbirds are an invasive species. They lay their eggs in the nest of other birds, forcing those species to raise their young. Typically the eggs of that species are abandoned or pushed out of the nest my the cowbird chick.

--written by Ima and her family  

Broad-winged Hawk

Broad-winged Hawk

Mourning Dove

American Robin

Northern Cardinal and Brown-headed Cowbird chicks

Northern Cardinal feeding Brown-headed Cowbird chick

Northern Cardinal and Brown-headed Cowbird chicks

Northern Cardinal and Brown-headed Cowbird chick

White-breasted Nuthatch

Eastern Wood-Pewee

Blue Jay

Blue Jay

Chipping Sparrow singing

Chipping Sparrow looking at you

Chipping Sparrow trying to feed a Brown-headed Cowbird chick

Chipping Sparrow feeding a Brown-headed Cowbird chick

Chipping Sparrow levitating

Chipping Sparrow doing... Honestly? I'm not sure, and it doesn't look like it does either.

