8.27.23 Humboldt Park I, Chicago, IL

     This post is in progress. Please see older posts for descriptive content. 

We went to Humboldt Park with the intention of seeing a young Sora that had been reported there a little over a week ago, while it was still downy. Immediately after we got there, before I even had my shoes on, we spotted a Red-tailed Hawk and I chased it. It flew behind some trees and disappeared, but I quickly forgot about following it as a Cooper's Hawk swooped in, so I ran farther so it wouldn't disappear like the Red-tail, and the Cooper's led me right back to where the Red-tail was perched, and flew away. I then walked over to the Red-tail (I had my shoes now), and used a set of bleachers to get higher up for better photos. After getting different angles of that very large Red-tail, we split up to cover more ground. My Mom and brother saw a second Red-tailed Hawk watching Barn Swallows, so my Dad and I went and checked that out. Later, there were some funny Rock Pigeons, a cute Wood Duck, and a American Kestrel chasing possibly yet another Red-tailed Hawk! This was a very eventful day, and that's just this post!

--written by Ima

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Cooper's Hawk and Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk grooming

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Rock Pigeons

Rock Pigeons

Rock Pigeon who doesn't care about the anti-bird spikes

Red-tailed Hawk

Wood Duck

Red-tailed Hawk being chased by a American Kestrel

Red-tailed Hawk being attacked by a American Kestrel
