8.28.23 McKinley Park, Chicago, IL

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It was a warm, sunny day, with the sun starting to beat down later in our visit. We heard the Cooper's Hawk before we saw it, and we walked around a bit to try and find the source of the sound before we spotted it. It was still calling as we watched it fly behind a tree and disappear, shutting up. We didn't see the Cooper's again, but we did see a very large Red-tailed Hawk! Based on it's size and pallor, we were able to safely guess that it was a female light morph. We saw a Cormorant catch a Catfish, but we didn't realize it was a Neotropic Cormorant until we got home, which is a new bird for us! Before we left, we saw a Smooth Softshell Turtle sunbathing with it's foot in the water! This was the second time we saw a Smooth Softshell at McKinley Park.

--written by Ima

Cooper's Hawk

Cooper's Hawk

Cooper's Hawk


Double-crested Cormorant

Green Heron

Green Heron

Green Heron

Green Heron

Green Heron

Green Heron landing. Note the iridescence on the wings.

Neotropic Cormorant with Catfish

Neotropic Cormorant trying to eat the Catfish

Neotropic Cormorant showing off the Catfish

Grey Catbird sunning

Smooth Softshell Turtle

Great Blue Heron

  Light morph Red-tailed Hawk

Light morph Red-tailed Hawk

Light morph Red-tailed Hawk

Light morph Red-tailed Hawk

Smooth Softshell Turtle and Double-crested Cormorant

House Sparrows
