8.29.23 Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary, Chicago, IL

As we arrived to the wooded part of Montrose, we heard some Black-capped Chickadees and a Northern Cardinal singing, but we didn't recognize them, so we gave chase. As we got there, the Chickadees left, and we noticed that they had led us to some Magnolia Warblers! One even came out into the open and posed for a picture! My dad and I had tried to see the Sora here once before, but failed, despite watching the water feature for about 20-30 minutes. Today, that was not so. We got to the water feature, looked in, and there was the Sora! This wasn't just a Sora, it was the immature one! It walked across, disappearing into the brush, then we saw it or it's parent(s) appear twice more! As we were waiting to see if they would come out again, I took pictures of a team of Red-eyed Vireos chasing a Bay-breasted Warbler away from the water, a Red-winged Blackbird taking a bath, an American Goldfinch trying to get some water, a Tennessee Warbler flit in and out, and a glimpse of a Nashville Warbler leaving. With limited time left on the parking meter for our car, we set off to the pier to check for shorebirds, but got hung up with a cute Blue-grey Gnatcatcher. After that, we got there and saw a Baird's Sandpiper, which we hadn't seen before! 

--written by Ima

Juvenile Sora

Juvenile Sora

Adult Sora (Black mask)

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler

Red-eyed Vireo and Bay-breasted Warbler

Red-eyed Vireo

American Goldfinch

Red-eyed Vireo

Red-winged Blackbird

Tennessee Warbler

Nashville Warbler

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher

Baird's Sandpiper

Greater Yellowlegs and Sanderling

Ring-billed Gull
