11.3.23 Saganashkee Slough, Willow Springs, IL

Common Loon

Common Loon

Common Loon

Common Loon

Common Loon (immature)

Ring-billed Gulls, Red-necked Grebe, Red-breasted Mergansers

Red-necked Grebe and Ring-billed Gull

Short-eared Owl

Short-eared Owl

Short-eared Owl



Bonaparte's Gull

Ring-billed Gulls and Bonaparte's Gull 

Ring-billed Gull and Bonaparte's Gull 

Bonaparte's Gull

Bonaparte's Gull

Bonaparte's Gull

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

Ruddy Ducks

Ruddy Ducks

Ruddy Duck

Ruddy Ducks

Ring-billed Gull
