Today we saw two Long-eared Owls. This is a declining species of owl. We tried not to disturb these wonderful creatures. They were awake when we saw them. They preened and watched squirrels and small birds around them. Long-eared Owls are a nocturnally predating species.
Owls are generally sensitive and should be respected at a distance, like most birds of prey and wild animals. We have learned from various birders' personal accounts how non-birders sometimes seek out owls. They have witnessed people get too close with phones, have sometimes chased, and have even climbed or shaken trees to wake an owl and take pictures. We learned of situations where a park had to stanchion off a Great Horned Owl nest to keep people from disturbing a breeding pair who failed to have a brood one year due to too many human spectators. We also learned of an Eastern Screech Owl who was shaken from a tree by people trying to wake it. It then flew into a car and tragically died. Many birders avoid posting owl locations on social media to protect owls from such attacks.
These are amazing creatures who should be respected.
--written by Ima and her family.
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