2.8.24 Sherman Park, Chicago, IL

This is part of a series we are continuing of these Red-shouldered Hawks and their family. See information about our observations and a list of all of the posts on the Red Shoulder Project page.

 My family and I have started a challenge for ourselves! We're going to try and see at least one bird of prey (or bop) a day for as long as we can! This is day 17 of our streak. This page includes 2 Red-shouldered Hawks (we named them "Ruby" and "Red"). Please see the rest of our days on the "BOP a day" page

 Red-shouldered Hawk "Ruby"

Red-shouldered Hawk "Ruby"

Red-shouldered Hawk "Ruby"

 Red-shouldered Hawk "Red"

Red-shouldered Hawk "Red"

Red-shouldered Hawk "Ruby"

Red-shouldered Hawk "Ruby"

Red-shouldered Hawk "Ruby"

Red-shouldered Hawk "Ruby"

Canada Geese and American Crow

Canada Geese

Canada Geese

Canada Goose



Monk Parakeets

Teo Downy Woodpeckers

Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Rock Pigeons

Rock Pigeons
