4.21.24 Sherman Park, Chicago, IL

  This is part of a continuing series about these Red-shouldered Hawks and their family. See information about our observations and a list of all of the posts on the Red Shoulder Project page. 

The eggs hatched! Although not visible, we observed Ruby and Red feeding the chicks.  

Ruby feeding the chicks

Red flying in

Ruby and Red looking at the chicks

Red with a snake tail

Red leaving to eat the leftovers from Ruby and the chicks


Ruby taking the bird carcass back


Ruby going to drop the carcass somewhere


Ruby and Red. Red has the snake tail

Red with the bird carcass

Red-winged Blackbird eating a cracker

Red-winged Blackbird eating a cracker

White-throated Sparrow

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Hermit Thrush
