4.7.24 Prairie Ridge State Natural Area II, Newton, IL


Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier on a piece of wood or something probably it thought was prey

Northern Harrier and American Crow

Northern Harrier dropping a piece of dirt

Northern Harrier attacking a piece of dirt

Northern Harrier attacking a piece of dirt

Northern Harrier attacking a piece of dirt

Northern Harrier and Greater Prairie-Chicken

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier and Greater Prairie-Chicken

Northern Harriers

Northern Harrier attacking an American Crow

Northern Harrier and Red-winged Blackbirds

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier

Killdeer nest

Parent Killdeer of the nest, doing the "broken wing" display to lure us away from the nest

Killdeer parent yelling at me.

American Golden-Plovers

Detail of previous photo

Northern Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird

American Coots

Turkey Vulture
