Please be aware, this post has content of the Red-Shouldered Hawks with prey.
This is part of a continuing series about these Red-shouldered Hawks and their family. See information about our observations and a list of all of the posts on the Red Shoulder Project page.
Video of a Red-shouldered Hawk fledgling "Ichi" in the grass. See the below images for the sequence of events.
When we arrived, one of the Red-shouldered Hawk chicks had fledged onto this lamp post.
The first-fledged Red-shoulder chick, named Ichi
We believe that there are two female chicks and one male, because one is smaller and gets to eat food last. Two were still in the nest, we think one male and one female
The nestling on the right is stretching it's wing and leg, while the other is preening
All three chicks
Ichi and Red('s wing)
Red flew in...
...then Ruby flew in with food.
Red flew off
Eating with Mom.
Ruby has a green branch that we suspect may be introducing the eyasses to the green in the trees they should be fledging into.
We think the one with the prey in this picture is a female: she kept walking away from her brother and bringing the prey with, hiding it from him with her wings, and taking it back from him every time he tried to eat
...had a failed attempt at getting back into the nest...
and landed in the grass across the street.
Dad on the lookout.
Ichi trying to get back to the nest.
Siblings looking at prey.
Ichi, slowly finding a way back up...
...another attempt...
... and up to here. After a couple hours, we left Ichi here. We came back another day and found all three in a tree top handing out and being fed in a squirrel's nest.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
One of two Merlins who flew overhead, calling and circling together
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