5.31.24 Lake Katherine, Palos Heights, IL


Green Heron and nestlings

Green Heron and nestlings

Green Heron nestling trying to get their parent to regurgitate some fish

Parent regurgitating a fish

Green Heron and nestlings

Green Heron and nestlings

Green Heron

Green Heron and nestlings

Green Heron

Green Heron

Green Heron

Mute Swan and cygnets (swan chicks)

Mute Swan

Mute Swan cygnets

Mute Swans and cygnets

Mute Swan cygnets with their legs stretched out for some reason

Mute Swans and cygnets

Mute Swan

Mute Swan cygnet shaking off water

Mute Swan cygnet flapping it's wings

Mute Swan flapping it's wings

Mute Swan and cygnets

Mute Swan

House Sparrow collecting Mute Swan feathers for it's nest

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher hunting for cicadas

Painted Turtle
