6.15.24 Back of the Yards, Chicago, IL

 My family and I have watched this family of Red-tailed Hawks since February of 2024. Please see the history on the Back of the Yards Red-tailed Hawks page. On this day we watched the three fledgelings. 

Fledgling on roof

Fledgling walking

Fledgling under transformer

Fledgling under transformer

Fledgling "Lazy" sitting on their pole

Fledgling under transformer

The fledgling on the roof is trying to get to the fledgling under the transformer (the transformer is not a safe place for the hawks to perch, because they could easily complete the circuit and electrocute themselves. See 6.13 for the story of one fledgling getting electrified)


Trying to land...

And perched.

Two fledglings under the transformer

One fledgling being extremely weird



One fledgling flying

Another fledgling flying

One fledgling looking down at another, and Lazy stretching

Fledgling on fence

Lazy calling (possibly at the other fledgling)
