6.8.24 McKinley Park, Chicago, IL

  On 6.8.24 my mother, father, brother and I visited this McKinley Park industrial building area to check on the Peregrine Falcon family at 11:15 AM. One nestling was clearly visible this day. We found out from a friend that the Peregrine Falcon mother brought pigeon to them at 6:30am and was using it to get them to encourage fledging.

See more about these Peregrine Falcons on my McKinley Peregrines page

11:15AM Peregrine Falcon nestling and mother

11:16AM Peregrine Falcon nestling and mother

11:17AM Peregrine Falcon nestling losing their balance

11:17AM Peregrine Falcon nestling losing their balance

11:18AM Peregrine Falcon nestling losing their balance
