8.30.24 Henry C. Palmisano Nature Park, Chicago, IL

 Tonight we got to hang out with a Black-crowned Night Heron! We came here in the evening to watch for migrating Common Nighthawks and to test out my new camera. While we didn't see any Nighthawks, we got to see lots of Chimney Swifts, a pretty sunset, and a bat! We got to see a Black-crowned Night Heron very close to us hunting small fry some fisherpeople were using as bait. When one of the fisherpeople caught a bluegill, they were nice enough to toss it to the Black-crown who snatched it up and ate it.

--Written by Ima

Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron eating a fish

Black-crowned Night Heron

Chimney Swift

Chimney Swifts

Chimney Swifts

Sun setting

Sun setting

Chimney Swifts

Chimney Swifts

Willis Tower
