9.19.24 Clinton Lake SRA, De Witt County, IL

Many thanks to I. for all the help finding the Wood Stork in the American White Pelican crowd. 

Wood Stork and American White Pelicans

Wood Stork and American White Pelicans

Wood Stork and American White Pelicans

Wood Stork searching for food and American White Pelicans

Wood Stork walking through the American White Pelicans

Wood Stork and American White Pelicans

Wood Stork and American White Pelicans

Wood Stork preening and American White Pelicans

Wood Stork preening and American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans and a Wood Stork

Wood Stork preening and American White Pelicans

Wood Stork preening and American White Pelicans

Wood Stork preening and American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans

American White Pelican preening in flight

Greater Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper and Killdeer

Short-billed Dowitcher, Least Sandpiper and Killdeer

Killdeer and Golden Plover

Killdeer and 2 Wilson's Snipes

Killdeer and Golden Plover

Black-and-white Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler

Black-and-white Warbler
