12.5.24 Eagle Creek Park (rescued residents), Indianapolis, IN

  Please be aware, this post has content of the Barn Owl with prey. 

 From 12.5.24-12.11.24 my father, brother and I drove from Chicago, IL to St. Marks, FL and back. This is part of Day 1. 

See all of the Florida trip posts at the Florida trip 2024 page. 

This Post is also a part of my Bird Abilities page.

Captive, unreleasable Great Horned Owl (named Minerva) cared for at Eagle Creek Park.

Information about Minerva posted at Eagle Creek Park. 

Very important information at Eagle Creek Park.

Captive, unreleasable Barn Owl (named Obi) cared for at Eagle Creek Park eating a mouse fed to them by keepers.

Barn Owl eating a mouse fed to them by keepers.

Barn Owl eating a mouse fed to them by keepers.

Information about Obi posted at Eagle Creek Park

Captive, unreleasable Red-tailed Hawk (named Reddington) cared for at Eagle Creek Park.

Captive, unreleasable Red-tailed Hawk cared for at Eagle Creek Park.

Red-tailed Hawk preparing for a short flight

Information about Reddington posted at Eagle Creek Park

Captive, unreleasable Turkey Vulture named Matilda

Turkey Vulture named Matilda

Turkey Vulture named Matilda. She was eating the food given to her by keepers that is in her claws. She is the daintiest eater I've ever seen! If you don't think vultures can be dainty, you've never seen Matilda eat!

Information about Matilda posted at Eagle Creek Park

Captive, unreleasable Bald Eagle (named Carson) cared for at Eagle Creek Park.
