12.9.24 St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge (Lighthouse area II), FL

        From 12.5.24-12.11.24 my father, brother and I drove from Chicago, IL to St. Marks, FL and back. This is part of Day 5. 

See all of the Florida trip posts at the Florida trip 2024 page.   

Bufflehead and Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

Double-crested Cormorants, Brown Pelicans and gulls

Double-crested Cormorant and Brown Pelican

Brown Pelicans, Bufflehead, and Double-crested Cormorants 

Brown Pelicans and Double-crested Cormorants 

Double-crested Cormorant and Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelicans

Brown Pelicans

Brown Pelican and Boat-tailed Grackle

Brown Pelicans

Double-crested Cormorants and Laughing Gull

Juvenile White Ibis

White Ibis


Duck flock

Common Gallinule

American Coot and American Wigeons
