1.1.24 Sax-Zim Bog, MN

   From 12.30.24-1.3.25 my father, brother and I drove from Chicago, IL to Sax-Zim Bog and back. This is part of Day 3. 

See all of the Sax-Zim Bog trip posts at the Sax-Zim Bog 24/25 page. 

White-winged Crossbill

White-winged Crossbill

White-winged Crossbill

White-winged Crossbill

White-winged Crossbill

White-winged Crossbill

Purple Finch

Purple Finches and Pine Siskins

Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed Grouse
