2.1.24 Sherman Park, Chicago, IL

Please be aware, this post has some gory content of the Red-shoulderd Hawk eating another bird of prey's wing. 

This is part of a series we are continuing of these Red-shouldered Hawks and their family. See information about our observations and a list of all of the posts on the Red Shoulder Project page. I photographed this adult Red-shouldered Hawk (We named her "Ruby"). This is the mother of the chicks I photographed at Sherman Park on 5.31.23. We believe both parents may have killed a Red-tailed Hawk (possibly with the aid of some crows) so the Red-tail wouldn't attack their chicks, and the wing pictured is the spoils of that battle. Or the Red-tailed could have been killed some other way and it is carrion for these two Red-shoulders.

My family and I have started a challenge for ourselves! We're going to try and see at least one bird of prey (or bop) a day for as long as we can! This is day 10 of our streak. We visited three sites on this wonderfully sunny Thursday. Please see the rest of our days on the "BOP a day" page

Red-Shouldered Hawk

Canada Geese

Canada Geese eating tortillas(?)

Dark-eyed Junco

Black-capped Chickadee
