2.16.24 Sax-Zim Bog, MN (IV)

Sax-Zim Bog trip day 5: This was our last morning at Sax-Zim Bog. From 8-8:30 AM we watched this beautiful, amazing, and a bit silly male Snowy Owl! We heard about it from a friend, and quickly drove over. When we got there, it was perched at the top of a tree, blowing in the wind. It was -17 degrees with the windchill, so the Snowy couldn't stay perched in the wind. It flew off the tree and landed right next to the road, where cars were driving past loudly. About 5 cars went by before the Snowy took off, landing on a dead tree right next to us! The stick it perched on was too small, so he flapped his wings and pitched forward and back in a futile attempt to gain his balance. The Snowy eventually gave up and flew away. We'll miss all of the amazing creatures and people we met there. This trip has been such a life-changing experience!

--Written by Ima

We recently heard that this Snowy Owl was hit and killed by a train. He lives on in the pictures and memories of all of the people who experienced his wonder. 

-Written by Ima and her family 2.29.24

See all of the Sax-Zim posts at the Sax-Zim Bog February 2024 page.

My family and I have started a challenge for ourselves! We're going to try and see at least one bird of prey (or bop) a day for as long as we can! This is day 25 of our streak. This page includes 1 Snowy Owl ...and 1 coyote which is a mammal of prey, or mop, as Ari states.Please see the rest of our days on the "BOP a day" page

Birds of prey sighted, but not necessarily photographed:

1 Snowy Owl
7 Bald Eagles
4 Red-tailed Hawks
2 Rough-legged Hawks
(Not birds of prey, but related to my Sandhill mapping, 2 Sandhill Cranes traveling northwest over the highway just north of Edgerton)

Snowy Owl

Coyote or Coywolf 7:15am

Canada Geese off the highway on the drive home.
