6.15.24 McKinley Park, Chicago, IL

 On 6.15.24 my father and I visited this McKinley Park industrial building area to check on the Peregrine Falcon family at 7:26 AM. The Peregrine Falcon fledgling was on the south side of Building "C". The first fledgling was reported to have been taken to Willowbrook (see 6.11.24 post). I later returned with my father at 6:25PM. The second and last Peregrine Falcon chick (pictured below) either fledged the night of 6.13 or the next morning. My mother, brother, father and I visited again at 9:00AM.  

As of 6.22, this was our last sighting of the Peregrine Family. We have visited the site and surrounding areas several times over the week following this post. If/when we see any of them again, we will update. 

My mother called Willowbrook Wildlife Center about the first fledgling during the week of 6.18.24. The first Peregrine fledgling had a fractured keel (breastbone). They said it’s doing well. They were hoping to move it outside and then work will try Chicago Bird Collision Monitors to release it.

See more about these Peregrine Falcons on my McKinley Peregrines page.  

9:05AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling (female)

7:26AM Peregrine Falcon mother

7:30AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling yawning

7:30AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling chewing on their foot for some reason

7:32AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling

7:39AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling

7:40AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling stretching their leg

7:53AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling calling

7:53AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling exercising her wings and calling

7:53AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling exercising her wings and calling

7:54AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling exercising her wings and calling

7:57AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling

9:04AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling

9:05AM Peregrine Falcon fledgling

Rock Pigeon in the place the Peregrines nested
